- A fallacy is, very generally, an error in reasoning. This differs from a factual error, which is simply being wrong about the facts. To be more specific, a fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support. A deductive fallacy is a deductive argument that is invalid (it is such that it could have all true premises and still have a false conclusion). An inductive fallacy is less formal than a deductive fallacy. They are simply "arguments" which appear to be inductive arguments, but the premises do not provided enough support for the conclusion. In such cases, even if the premises were true, the conclusion would not be more likely to be true.
Bibliography: nizkor.org/features/fallacies/
An example of a Fallacie that I found in the New York Times was an article by Paul Krugman here is the page but I am going to give the main points and summarize the article a little bit: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/21/opinion/21krugman.html?_r=1&ref=opinion&oref=slogin.
The article mainly talks about that politically it is now possible for all American to have assured medical health inssurance. He sais that people have overcome the fear that they had to Clintons failed plan. Kruger sais to consider Hillary Clinton's evolution and her new plan for medical enssurance. Right on that moment I found an example of a fallacie when they ask Clinton how is she going to handle the costs she answers the following:
“It depends on what kind of system you’re devising. And that’s still not at all clear to me, what the body politic will bear.”
I dont think this is politically correct and it is an example of an inductive fallacie., which states that the person arguing doesnt have enough information. Also in several part of the text, Kruger defends Bill and Hillary Clinton´s ideas without even knowing them well or explaining the main concepts.
At the end Kruger finalezes his article woth this sentence:
"It’s good to know that whoever gets the Democratic nomination will run on a very good health care plan"
Tjis is another example of Fallacies mainly it is an inductive fallacie. beacuse along the text he didnt give enpugh support and arguements to justify this. But it could also be a deductive fallacie beacause it conatins some premises right and has a false conclusion.
In conclusion this text contains a lot of Fallacies. I think that Fallacies arent wrong or right but people should be more carfel to not show their political possision or any possission they have when writing an article for an important newspaper. Somrtimes it is very biased and it is evident that Kruger is a democrat who wants to justify both Clinton´s actions. Withput knowing if they will turn out right he is saying that it is the best choice for everyone.
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