From Wikipedia:
Mr. Tangen I couldnt get any sources from Ebsco Host beacuse it was not working.
martes, 30 de octubre de 2007
jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007
Samuel 1 16-341
While reading this sections i confirmed my belief of the Old Testament, which is that God is not like they describe him to us. He is very susceptible, if you could call it like hat. he gets mad for everything, and punishes everyone for every bad thing they do, regardless of its importance. I think in the New Testament this will change, because I don't understand why they always describe us God as a great person (which he is) and they tell us that he forgets everything no matter how bad it is. He is also very demanding and picky to every detail.
I think later on in the bible this may change. So i am very anxoius to find out
I think later on in the bible this may change. So i am very anxoius to find out
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2007
Exodus 12-40
Considering all these chapters f exodus chapters 12-40 were really long i realized some really important points:
The first one is that they start with Moses story and there is the Passover which is when a plague passed through all the doors of Egypt this was called the Passover. Then for seven days people couldn’t eat leavened bread. God is very repetitive with this and it is very important to him. I started thinking a very curious thing that now a days it is called “Pesah” and this is a Jewish holiday now a days. So I processed that Pesah stands for Passover. God makes a great emphasize and he says that any person who does not follow this rule shall be put to death which I think it is a very exaggerated thing to say. One detail I also noticed was when he talks about a chandelier, he might be talking about Hanukah.
God is very demanding and picky he is very precise with the details. He is nothing to what they tell us he is like they describe him in the Old Testament. He makes clear that whoever breaks the rules shall die which is a very mean thing to say especially coming from God. He also repeats himself a lot and tells everything twice. He mentions the rules and consequences and establishes them securely. Also he is the one who says “Eye for eye tooth for tooth”. This is a phrase which I don’t agree with. A very important thing is that the 10 commandments are established. He talks about eh altars and the offerings he says to always give him animals etc. I think that is a very classist thing to say. God should not say this type of things he should accept peoples gifts regardless of their value. Maybe this explains why he cursed Cain.
The first one is that they start with Moses story and there is the Passover which is when a plague passed through all the doors of Egypt this was called the Passover. Then for seven days people couldn’t eat leavened bread. God is very repetitive with this and it is very important to him. I started thinking a very curious thing that now a days it is called “Pesah” and this is a Jewish holiday now a days. So I processed that Pesah stands for Passover. God makes a great emphasize and he says that any person who does not follow this rule shall be put to death which I think it is a very exaggerated thing to say. One detail I also noticed was when he talks about a chandelier, he might be talking about Hanukah.
God is very demanding and picky he is very precise with the details. He is nothing to what they tell us he is like they describe him in the Old Testament. He makes clear that whoever breaks the rules shall die which is a very mean thing to say especially coming from God. He also repeats himself a lot and tells everything twice. He mentions the rules and consequences and establishes them securely. Also he is the one who says “Eye for eye tooth for tooth”. This is a phrase which I don’t agree with. A very important thing is that the 10 commandments are established. He talks about eh altars and the offerings he says to always give him animals etc. I think that is a very classist thing to say. God should not say this type of things he should accept peoples gifts regardless of their value. Maybe this explains why he cursed Cain.
Public Speaking Video Barack Obama
Public Speaking
1. Barack Obama, from my point of view i think is a varied speaker he mixes things up and doesn’t repeat what he has done previously in the speech.
2. At the beginning he didn’t emphasize much in important arguments and words; he had the same face and was very serious. But then as he went on and on, he started to get more “excited” and enthusiastic.
3. One thing that I thought was very evident was that this man was not trying to be anybody else. He was very natural and this made people believe him and at the same time take him seriously.
1. Obama pretty much kept the same tone of voice during the speech, in one moment he lowered it a little too much but then he went to his normal volume.
2. His tone was very appropriate for the occasion he didn’t speak in an unusual way or out of character tone.
3. His speed was fine, sometimes he went a bit fast but you could understand him. He never slowed down.
I noticed that at the beginning of his speech he kept his hands all the time in the counter where the microphone was, but when the speech was at its end he used a lot of hand gesture and he looked very energetic, this made him increase dynamism.
I think Obama did a very bad job with the facial expressions. He was very serious and didn’t show much emotion in the face. He was very serious during the whole speech, towards the end he started laughing a little bit but in regards to his face expressions he showed no emotion at all.
Physical Elements of Speech:
A. When the speech began I remembered the exercise we performed this morning. His diaphragm was crooked therefore he couldn’t speak for that long before he had to breathe.
B. He didn’t speak by his nose so his voice was pretty normal.
C. He took a breath after every sentence which is the correct thing to do and he released the air at the end also.
D. His nasal qualities were good as a said before.
E. Considering this was a very serious speech he obviously didn’t speak with a pen in his mouth, I think that is a rule which is a bit ridiculous to mention because no one would ever do that. But he didn’t have anything in his mouth which could interrupt our understanding.
1. Dynamism
2. Clarity/Credibility
3. Gestures
4. Content
1. At the beginning he was not being very dynamic but then he started making more hand gestures and expressing himself more. What he failed on doing were the facial expressions.
2. His clarity was perfect I understood everything he said. His credibility was not so good from my point of view. It was like he was just telling us a story and not trying to convince us of anything.
3. At the beginning he didn’t do gestures of any kind. The n he started doing a little bit with the hands. Facial expressions were very lame he just smiled once in a while.
4. The content of the speech I didn’t like it very much. I think issues with Negro people etc are very very powerful subjects. I think he could have made a much greater speech and still transmit the same message. I didn’t like the examples he gave, neither that he was focusing a lot on himself and his situation rather than on the worlds issue. Also he didn’t do a good and powerful conclusion.
1. Barack Obama, from my point of view i think is a varied speaker he mixes things up and doesn’t repeat what he has done previously in the speech.
2. At the beginning he didn’t emphasize much in important arguments and words; he had the same face and was very serious. But then as he went on and on, he started to get more “excited” and enthusiastic.
3. One thing that I thought was very evident was that this man was not trying to be anybody else. He was very natural and this made people believe him and at the same time take him seriously.
1. Obama pretty much kept the same tone of voice during the speech, in one moment he lowered it a little too much but then he went to his normal volume.
2. His tone was very appropriate for the occasion he didn’t speak in an unusual way or out of character tone.
3. His speed was fine, sometimes he went a bit fast but you could understand him. He never slowed down.
I noticed that at the beginning of his speech he kept his hands all the time in the counter where the microphone was, but when the speech was at its end he used a lot of hand gesture and he looked very energetic, this made him increase dynamism.
I think Obama did a very bad job with the facial expressions. He was very serious and didn’t show much emotion in the face. He was very serious during the whole speech, towards the end he started laughing a little bit but in regards to his face expressions he showed no emotion at all.
Physical Elements of Speech:
A. When the speech began I remembered the exercise we performed this morning. His diaphragm was crooked therefore he couldn’t speak for that long before he had to breathe.
B. He didn’t speak by his nose so his voice was pretty normal.
C. He took a breath after every sentence which is the correct thing to do and he released the air at the end also.
D. His nasal qualities were good as a said before.
E. Considering this was a very serious speech he obviously didn’t speak with a pen in his mouth, I think that is a rule which is a bit ridiculous to mention because no one would ever do that. But he didn’t have anything in his mouth which could interrupt our understanding.
1. Dynamism
2. Clarity/Credibility
3. Gestures
4. Content
1. At the beginning he was not being very dynamic but then he started making more hand gestures and expressing himself more. What he failed on doing were the facial expressions.
2. His clarity was perfect I understood everything he said. His credibility was not so good from my point of view. It was like he was just telling us a story and not trying to convince us of anything.
3. At the beginning he didn’t do gestures of any kind. The n he started doing a little bit with the hands. Facial expressions were very lame he just smiled once in a while.
4. The content of the speech I didn’t like it very much. I think issues with Negro people etc are very very powerful subjects. I think he could have made a much greater speech and still transmit the same message. I didn’t like the examples he gave, neither that he was focusing a lot on himself and his situation rather than on the worlds issue. Also he didn’t do a good and powerful conclusion.
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2007
The Bible Exodus (Ch 1-12)
As soon as I started reading Exodus Ch 1-12 I realized all the story would be about one of my favorite movies: “The Prince of Egypt”. I was really impressed considering I thought this story was made up and I never thought its origins were from an important text such as the bible. I like this story a lot since I was a little kid, because it taught me a lot of moral values and I never forgot it. Still when they are passing it in T.V I love to watch it; it is one of those movies you never get tired of watching. And off course it is not the exact same story, some characters are added and others are removed. For example in the movie the sister of Moses appears, and also Moses gets married. Instead in the bible they are limited to Moses and his brother Aaron. Also they specify a lot more the connection between the Pharaoh, whose name in the movie is Ramses and Moses. They loved each other at the beginning and where like brothers, but Moses was tired of the superficial life he was getting along with and decided to change. That’s when god tells him to free his people and he tells his brother in all the possible ways, until he has to send all those plagues. Also in the movie Ramses has a son and unfortunately he dies because of the plague. What I’m trying to say here is that even though it is the same story and bases I learned a lot more from the movie because it has great t aching.
What I also noticed in this text was that they repeat everything like 4 times. It gets to a point where you know what they are going to say and it is very tiring. I think they should state things one time and that’s it, not repeat them again and again because it then gets monotonous.
I have liked The Exodus because they don’t mention as much names and descendants like in the Genesis, this way you don’t get so confused and you learn much more than just reading names and names that you will never end up remembering. What you will truly remember later on in your life is the story as itself and the lessons or values it taught you. So far these are the chapters I have liked the most in the whole bible, I guess this is because it makes me remember of my childhood and I have a lot of “love” for that movie.
What I also noticed in this text was that they repeat everything like 4 times. It gets to a point where you know what they are going to say and it is very tiring. I think they should state things one time and that’s it, not repeat them again and again because it then gets monotonous.
I have liked The Exodus because they don’t mention as much names and descendants like in the Genesis, this way you don’t get so confused and you learn much more than just reading names and names that you will never end up remembering. What you will truly remember later on in your life is the story as itself and the lessons or values it taught you. So far these are the chapters I have liked the most in the whole bible, I guess this is because it makes me remember of my childhood and I have a lot of “love” for that movie.
The Bible (CH 11-28)
While reading genesis chapters 11-25 i realized that most of the stories in the bible we already know them, what we don’t know is that they come from the bible and we also don’t know much details of the story. For example Adam and Eve, The Arch of Noah, The Babel Tower, Abel and Cain and the story of Abraham. All these stories we knew them but we didn’t know much details about them.
Important things happen in these chapters amongst them: Abram journey into Egypt, when he meets him wife Sarai, Abrams name is changed to Abraham. Destruction of Sodom, Isaac and Ishmael (his sons) are born, Abrahams faith is out into trial, Sarah dies, the seek of a wife for Isaac, Isaac meets Rebekah, Abraham dies. Then it passes to the next generation where Isaac has 2 sons names Esssau and Jacob, Isaac grows rich (he finds a well), and a fight between his sons.
What I don’t understand much about this whole religion issue is that I noticed that most of the names in the bible are Jewish names know a days, and I fully understand that Jesus was Jewish and that his prophets were also. What I don’t understand is if Jesus was Jewish, why doesn’t Jewish religion belief in Christ?? I think this is illogical because if one of the people of the Jewish community did this huge act (just like Jesus did) why don’t they believe in that time to one of their community members. Why don’t stick up for him if he was one of them? I am very intrigued and I hope to find the answer for this later on on the bible!
Important things happen in these chapters amongst them: Abram journey into Egypt, when he meets him wife Sarai, Abrams name is changed to Abraham. Destruction of Sodom, Isaac and Ishmael (his sons) are born, Abrahams faith is out into trial, Sarah dies, the seek of a wife for Isaac, Isaac meets Rebekah, Abraham dies. Then it passes to the next generation where Isaac has 2 sons names Esssau and Jacob, Isaac grows rich (he finds a well), and a fight between his sons.
What I don’t understand much about this whole religion issue is that I noticed that most of the names in the bible are Jewish names know a days, and I fully understand that Jesus was Jewish and that his prophets were also. What I don’t understand is if Jesus was Jewish, why doesn’t Jewish religion belief in Christ?? I think this is illogical because if one of the people of the Jewish community did this huge act (just like Jesus did) why don’t they believe in that time to one of their community members. Why don’t stick up for him if he was one of them? I am very intrigued and I hope to find the answer for this later on on the bible!
jueves, 18 de octubre de 2007
Finding Fallacies in a Speech
Speech Read: I have A Dream By Martin Luther King Jr.
Fallacies of Relevance:
Genetic Fallacies: in a way I think this speech has genetic fallacies because it claims that white and their ideas are untrustworthy because of their racial origin. He claims that white people think that simply because of the reason that they are white they have the right to do anything and go past anyone.
Abusive: it arguments the proposals, assertions, or arguments of a group which in this case are the white people. Again this speech is mainly against of the whites and their superiority.
Bandwagon Approach: Luther replies that his argument is completely correct. An example is when he mentions that the declaration of independence was signed for all men to have “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness”.
Appeal to Emotion: I think this text might contain a bit of this fallacy because he is mentioning that he hopes that one day black and white children can hold hands and uses metaphors like these that have a lot to do with one person’s feelings.
Component Fallacies:
Begging the Question: I think this type of fallacy occurs in the text and it is also very notorial. This is because he assumes as evidence for his argument the conclusion. Since the beginning of the text he talks about the same thing and doesn’t develop his ideas in an orderly way what I think happens is that he jots down every idea he has and repeats it a lot in the text.
Circular Reasoning: This type of fallacy is very common in all speeches because most of the time the purpose of speeches is to convince people of something. Therefore they repeat the same thing in different words. That’s pretty much what Luther King does he tries to convince that black people should be free and equal to everybody else.
Red Herring: with this phrase Luther King tries to change the subject or divert the argument from the real question and to set a side-Pont.
“America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds. But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt”.
I think this happens this way because Luther goes a little off the road but at the same time is making a discrete but true “joke” about how Americans have given black people a hard time, and made them felt like they have “insufficient funds” meaning that they don’t serve for anything.
Straw Man Argument: I found a great paragraph were there is a very clear example of an attempt to prove his own point by overstating which is that he repeats at least 50 times “I have a Dream”.
But in one part I think he exaggerates a lot:
“But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.”
I think this is a little to much, saying that white people “crippled” and the best part is that he even accepts it! When he says: “….. We´ve come here today to DRAMATIZE…..” he accepts that he is getting a little way beyond limits.
Slippery Slope: This occurs because he says that once the first step is undertaken (“unleash” black people) the second and third step will inevitably follow. These two steps could be freedom, equality, happiness etc. Just by taking simple steps positive things will follow.
Fallacies of Relevance:
Genetic Fallacies: in a way I think this speech has genetic fallacies because it claims that white and their ideas are untrustworthy because of their racial origin. He claims that white people think that simply because of the reason that they are white they have the right to do anything and go past anyone.
Abusive: it arguments the proposals, assertions, or arguments of a group which in this case are the white people. Again this speech is mainly against of the whites and their superiority.
Bandwagon Approach: Luther replies that his argument is completely correct. An example is when he mentions that the declaration of independence was signed for all men to have “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness”.
Appeal to Emotion: I think this text might contain a bit of this fallacy because he is mentioning that he hopes that one day black and white children can hold hands and uses metaphors like these that have a lot to do with one person’s feelings.
Component Fallacies:
Begging the Question: I think this type of fallacy occurs in the text and it is also very notorial. This is because he assumes as evidence for his argument the conclusion. Since the beginning of the text he talks about the same thing and doesn’t develop his ideas in an orderly way what I think happens is that he jots down every idea he has and repeats it a lot in the text.
Circular Reasoning: This type of fallacy is very common in all speeches because most of the time the purpose of speeches is to convince people of something. Therefore they repeat the same thing in different words. That’s pretty much what Luther King does he tries to convince that black people should be free and equal to everybody else.
Red Herring: with this phrase Luther King tries to change the subject or divert the argument from the real question and to set a side-Pont.
“America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds. But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt”.
I think this happens this way because Luther goes a little off the road but at the same time is making a discrete but true “joke” about how Americans have given black people a hard time, and made them felt like they have “insufficient funds” meaning that they don’t serve for anything.
Straw Man Argument: I found a great paragraph were there is a very clear example of an attempt to prove his own point by overstating which is that he repeats at least 50 times “I have a Dream”.
But in one part I think he exaggerates a lot:
“But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.”
I think this is a little to much, saying that white people “crippled” and the best part is that he even accepts it! When he says: “….. We´ve come here today to DRAMATIZE…..” he accepts that he is getting a little way beyond limits.
Slippery Slope: This occurs because he says that once the first step is undertaken (“unleash” black people) the second and third step will inevitably follow. These two steps could be freedom, equality, happiness etc. Just by taking simple steps positive things will follow.
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007
The Bible (CH 5-11)
When I began reading The KJV bible version I thought that all those names that are at the beginning were a bit unnecessary. They name all the descendants of the third son of Adam and Eve. But after comes a story I really like which is the story of Noah’s Ark. I like this story because it was a form of God punishing humanity because all the war going on. He decided to make the world rain for 40 days and 40 nights and told Noah to make an arc with specific regulations and in one of those requests he told him to take one of each animal species (male and female). Also he could take his wife sons and grandsons. When the 40 days and night passed the Universal Flood had ended the lord, as representation that he would never do something like his again to humanity. This sign or “token” like they call it in the text was an arc, later called the “rainbow”.
After this story they mention the descendants of the 3 sons of Noah. I liked these new chapters of the KJV bible and I’m really looking forward to read the rest of the Genesis.
After this story they mention the descendants of the 3 sons of Noah. I liked these new chapters of the KJV bible and I’m really looking forward to read the rest of the Genesis.
martes, 16 de octubre de 2007
The Bible (CH 1-5)
I felt really familiar reading the first 5 chapter f the bible, considering it sounds just like a myth story. It starts talking about the creation of the earth and why we came to be here and why, which is much of what we have been studying in class. I liked it lot because we had all heard about the "myth" that God created the world in seven days, but we hadn't actually read it in detail and most importantly: directly from the bible! At the beginning they describe the very beginning of the earth, when it was all black and there wasn't even light. Slowly it tells us how God created one thing every day, one day he created day and night, other he creates light and dark, another he created animals etc. But on the sixth day he created a being who would rule upon the others and this would be man. he would have complete power over everything and would "rule". Then comes the story of how men reproduced and the story of Adam and Eve takes place. This is the story we all know that first came Adam but he needed company and out of his rib came Eve. Then comes the story of Abel and Cain, which were two brothers that have very different personalities and Cain ends up killing his brother and he is severely punished to death. Lastly which is a part I think they should omit is the descendants of Cain and his wife, but there are a lot of names so it confused me a little bit.
What i thought was very curious was that i also read this spanish bible called "Dios Habla Hoy" and it was very similar to that of King James version. But I noticed some clear differences. One of them is that in the Spanish bible there is much more quotes, and the characters talk more. And a very curious one was that on the spanish bible at the end of chapter 5 it says that Adam and Eve had another son which they called Enos and later he started to evoke the name of the lord.
So far I'm having a lot of fun reading the bible and I'm also liking this King James Version a lot, I also find it very interesting comparing it to the Spanish bible so Ill keep on doing this.
What i thought was very curious was that i also read this spanish bible called "Dios Habla Hoy" and it was very similar to that of King James version. But I noticed some clear differences. One of them is that in the Spanish bible there is much more quotes, and the characters talk more. And a very curious one was that on the spanish bible at the end of chapter 5 it says that Adam and Eve had another son which they called Enos and later he started to evoke the name of the lord.
So far I'm having a lot of fun reading the bible and I'm also liking this King James Version a lot, I also find it very interesting comparing it to the Spanish bible so Ill keep on doing this.
lunes, 15 de octubre de 2007
Commenting About3 Myths
Myths Read: 1. The Golden Fleece 2. The Griffin or Gryphon 3. Giants
The Golden Fleece: I think this myth is very similar to the story of “Noah and the Ark” One of the reasons could be because”Argo” like the “arch” was called in this story is similar to that of Noah’s ARK. Also when the dove leads them to the right path it also relates to it because in the story of “Noahs Ark” they explain how a white dove symbolized peace and made Noah do the right thing.
The Gryffin or Gryphon: It pretty much describes the Griffins (which also can be called Gryphons). They have the body of a lion but the head and the wings of an eagle. India is the native country of these particular animals. Their instinct tells them were buried treasures are.
Giants: It tells and differs monsters from human giants. The great difference between them is that human giants did have feelings and felt love Hate etc. instead conventional monsters were beings of unnatural proportions and parts that regarded terror and had a huge strength and ferocity. Also it says that monsters feared the gods so much that they had themselves under various forms like birds, goats, cows etc.
The Golden Fleece: I think this myth is very similar to the story of “Noah and the Ark” One of the reasons could be because”Argo” like the “arch” was called in this story is similar to that of Noah’s ARK. Also when the dove leads them to the right path it also relates to it because in the story of “Noahs Ark” they explain how a white dove symbolized peace and made Noah do the right thing.
The Gryffin or Gryphon: It pretty much describes the Griffins (which also can be called Gryphons). They have the body of a lion but the head and the wings of an eagle. India is the native country of these particular animals. Their instinct tells them were buried treasures are.
Giants: It tells and differs monsters from human giants. The great difference between them is that human giants did have feelings and felt love Hate etc. instead conventional monsters were beings of unnatural proportions and parts that regarded terror and had a huge strength and ferocity. Also it says that monsters feared the gods so much that they had themselves under various forms like birds, goats, cows etc.
Commeting About3 Myths
Myths Read: 1. Minerva 2. Niobe 3. The Grageae and Gorgons
Minerva: I thought this myth was very interesting and it teaches us a lot of things. It deals a lot with what happens in the world. Competing and rivalry is one of them we always try to be better than others and try to demonstrate it, it is in our blood to want to be better than others. Also when someone is wealthier, or more “important” they don’t like someone of a lower class or status competing against them. That is what happened in the myth, a goddess didn’t want a simple weaver to compete against her, that’s why at the end when she saw the maiden was doing a better job than she was, she turned her into a spider. This also tech us that we are very bad losers, and often we hurt (either verbally or physically) the person after the “competition” is over.
Niobe: Once again in this myth a goddess and a non-goddess dare themselves to see who is better. It is about hate revenge, rage and a lot of mixed feelings. I think this myth was fun to read but it was very dramatic. At the en all the 14 sons and daughters Niobe had (she was the non-goddess) died the children of Latona killed them. And also they killed her husband, so she wouldn’t have anything to say she was better.
The Graeae and Gorgons: This myth the only thing they do is introduce who are the Gorgons an who are the Graeae. The gorgons were monstrous females with huge teeth like those of swine, brazen claws, and snaky hair. The Graeae were three sisters who were gray-haired from their birth, whence their name. They were personifications of the terror of the seas. Their names in Greek mean the love epithets.
Minerva: I thought this myth was very interesting and it teaches us a lot of things. It deals a lot with what happens in the world. Competing and rivalry is one of them we always try to be better than others and try to demonstrate it, it is in our blood to want to be better than others. Also when someone is wealthier, or more “important” they don’t like someone of a lower class or status competing against them. That is what happened in the myth, a goddess didn’t want a simple weaver to compete against her, that’s why at the end when she saw the maiden was doing a better job than she was, she turned her into a spider. This also tech us that we are very bad losers, and often we hurt (either verbally or physically) the person after the “competition” is over.
Niobe: Once again in this myth a goddess and a non-goddess dare themselves to see who is better. It is about hate revenge, rage and a lot of mixed feelings. I think this myth was fun to read but it was very dramatic. At the en all the 14 sons and daughters Niobe had (she was the non-goddess) died the children of Latona killed them. And also they killed her husband, so she wouldn’t have anything to say she was better.
The Graeae and Gorgons: This myth the only thing they do is introduce who are the Gorgons an who are the Graeae. The gorgons were monstrous females with huge teeth like those of swine, brazen claws, and snaky hair. The Graeae were three sisters who were gray-haired from their birth, whence their name. They were personifications of the terror of the seas. Their names in Greek mean the love epithets.
domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007
Commenting About 3 Myths
Myths Read: 1. Juno and her Rivals 2. Glaucus and Scylla 3. Perseus and Atlas
Juno and Her Rivals: This myth treats about treason and cheating. But I didn’t like it much because it involved many characters and you got really confused. At the beginning it started with a story and you ended up with a totally different one.
Glaucus and Scylla: This myth had a lot to do with revenge and rage. When people get mad sometime they do things they don’t want to do and say things they don’t want to say. That’s why sometimes it is better to count until 10 and chill. That’s exactly what happened in this story two people loved each other and in revenge a goddess turned Scylla (the lady) into a monster, just because she didn’t want that these two people would be together.
Perseus and Atlas: Once more this myth treats about assumptions and presipitations. Without even knowing people kill others without being secure of their procedence.
Juno and Her Rivals: This myth treats about treason and cheating. But I didn’t like it much because it involved many characters and you got really confused. At the beginning it started with a story and you ended up with a totally different one.
Glaucus and Scylla: This myth had a lot to do with revenge and rage. When people get mad sometime they do things they don’t want to do and say things they don’t want to say. That’s why sometimes it is better to count until 10 and chill. That’s exactly what happened in this story two people loved each other and in revenge a goddess turned Scylla (the lady) into a monster, just because she didn’t want that these two people would be together.
Perseus and Atlas: Once more this myth treats about assumptions and presipitations. Without even knowing people kill others without being secure of their procedence.
sábado, 13 de octubre de 2007
Commenting About 3 Myths
Myths Read: 1. Pyramus and Thisbe 2. Cepahlus and Procris 3. Prometheus and Pandora
Pyramus and Thisbe: This story has a lot to do with the silly mistakes humanity makes. It treats about two young teenagers who are very wealthy and they love each other. Unfortunately their parent’s don’t want them to be together. So one day they decide to escape so they can live happily together. They set a meeting place and Thisbe got there first. There was a thirsty lion nearby and ripped off her veil and destroyed it with her bloody teeth. But fortunately or rather unfortunately nothing happened to her. When Pyramus arrived he saw the veil covered in blood and thought about her beloved Thisbe, he thought he was dead! So he killed himself with a sword too. When Thisbe arrived he saw Pyramus died and therefore ended with her life too. This I can relate it a lot with miscommunication and that human are very accelerated and want everything now and can’t wait. Also just by looking at something we draw out errand conclusions and act without thinking. We act very precipitated and don’t stop and analyze things.
Cephalus and Procris: Once again this myth has a lot to do with miscommunication and drawing out poor conclusions. Cephalus and Procris were a happy couple who loved each other deeply. One day Cepahlus went hunting and said “Come, sweet breeze, come and fan my breasts, come and allay the heat that burns me”. Somebody heard him and went and told Procris, the story ends up badly once more. People should first be sure of what they are talking about before actually telling to other people. It could end up hurting innocent people and making a big and unnecessary problem.
Prometheus and Pandora: This is a typicall creation myth which talks about Prometheus, which was a Titan who created the earth. When he finished creating the earth there were only man, but after a woman called Pandora came , and she opened a box in which feelings of men were introduced. Pretty much it talks about the Golden Age and the other stages which the world went through so we could get to this.
Pyramus and Thisbe: This story has a lot to do with the silly mistakes humanity makes. It treats about two young teenagers who are very wealthy and they love each other. Unfortunately their parent’s don’t want them to be together. So one day they decide to escape so they can live happily together. They set a meeting place and Thisbe got there first. There was a thirsty lion nearby and ripped off her veil and destroyed it with her bloody teeth. But fortunately or rather unfortunately nothing happened to her. When Pyramus arrived he saw the veil covered in blood and thought about her beloved Thisbe, he thought he was dead! So he killed himself with a sword too. When Thisbe arrived he saw Pyramus died and therefore ended with her life too. This I can relate it a lot with miscommunication and that human are very accelerated and want everything now and can’t wait. Also just by looking at something we draw out errand conclusions and act without thinking. We act very precipitated and don’t stop and analyze things.
Cephalus and Procris: Once again this myth has a lot to do with miscommunication and drawing out poor conclusions. Cephalus and Procris were a happy couple who loved each other deeply. One day Cepahlus went hunting and said “Come, sweet breeze, come and fan my breasts, come and allay the heat that burns me”. Somebody heard him and went and told Procris, the story ends up badly once more. People should first be sure of what they are talking about before actually telling to other people. It could end up hurting innocent people and making a big and unnecessary problem.
Prometheus and Pandora: This is a typicall creation myth which talks about Prometheus, which was a Titan who created the earth. When he finished creating the earth there were only man, but after a woman called Pandora came , and she opened a box in which feelings of men were introduced. Pretty much it talks about the Golden Age and the other stages which the world went through so we could get to this.
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