jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007

Samuel 1 16-341

While reading this sections i confirmed my belief of the Old Testament, which is that God is not like they describe him to us. He is very susceptible, if you could call it like hat. he gets mad for everything, and punishes everyone for every bad thing they do, regardless of its importance. I think in the New Testament this will change, because I don't understand why they always describe us God as a great person (which he is) and they tell us that he forgets everything no matter how bad it is. He is also very demanding and picky to every detail.

I think later on in the bible this may change. So i am very anxoius to find out

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

Where are the other books of Samuel
You should look into developing the words of the text more. How does this particular line make you feel?


it like hat

the bible