martes, 8 de enero de 2008

John 1-21

John was the last Gospel and surprisingly it was very different from all the other ones. Though it makes a great emphasis Jesus birth it doesn’t talk much about his family and Mary’s conception and Jesus infancy. John is divided in basically 3 parts: 1, Jesus miracles 2. Crucifixion and resurrection 3. Appearance to disciples after his resurrection.

One thing I didn’t know is that John brought a lot of followers to Jesus. He believed 100% in him and supported him. I think this was a nice gesture form him

One ting that surprised me about this Gospel that they don’t mention in others is that when Jesus begins to baptize people in Judea, John the Baptist hears about it he is very happy about it, he feels very honored that Jesus, the Son of God is doing the same thing he is. I think this is a very nice gesture because unlike we would he gets very happy that other people do what he does. And instead f getting all mad he takes it very well. This shoes us the great personality john has; we should be more like that. This also shows the deep feelings that Jesus and John feel for each other. As soon a john meets Jesus he say the following “He is the son of God” (1:34). So he was one of the few persons that instantly believed him.

Just like John a very noble thing Jesus did was once, Jesus encounters with a Samaritan (which where a group of people who hate Jesus) and he started talking to her. So I think this was very nice because he was talking to somebody who belonged to a group who didn’t like him and even still he cordially talked to her and interacts. This shows us to not have rancor against others.

There are several quotes I really liked Jesus mentioned in this chapter were:

o “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment”.
o I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes through the father except through me”.
o “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her”
o “I am in the father and the father is in me”

The gospel ends pretty much like all the others Jesus revives and goes to his disciples. One thing I didn’t know when Mary Magdalene saw him she thinks he is a gardener also it is a lot more intense when he re-encounters with his disciples.

I liked reading the last Gospel of the New Testament I think like all the Gospel John was very interesting. And though all the gospels told the same story it was form a very different perspective that it was told and each had its special unique touch.

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