domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007

Connecting 3 Myths With Gilgamesh (5)

Myths Read: 1.Pygmalion 2. Venus and Adonis 3. Apollo and Hyacintuhus

Pygmalion: Is a lovely story about a man named Pygmalion, he was a sculpture and fell in love with one of his creations. Pygmalion had never wanted to marry or have children he was more interested in creating master pieces and taking car of them. His true passion were his sculptures and that as the only thing he loved. He gave them presents, jewelry, and treated them with careful. But there was one in particular who he felt more affect towards, and this was the Ivory Virgin. he kissed her and loved her, he even called her his wife. On a festival he made a wish, and wished that this beautiful "woman" would become real. When he got to his house it certainly became real! When he got home the magnificent sculpture was alive. they eventually married and had children . they lived very happily for he rest of their lives.

Venus and Adonis: Venus was playing with cupid one day and she got hurt by one of his arrows. the wound was very deep and it was more serious than what she had thought. She beheld Adonis and was captivated with him. Adonis became the most important thing in her life. She rambled through the woods dressed like a huntress. She had dogs and many animals that defended her, she called them her troops. she told Adonis to beware of such dangerous animals in the forest. But one day Adonis did not follow Venus´s rules and a beats attacked him. Venus grieved him until the end . His blood became a flower and was called Anemone.

Apollo and Hyacinthus: Hyacinthus always accompanied Apollo in everything he did. Whether it was sports, hunting or just a simple walk. Hyacinthus was like Apollo's escort or bodyguard. one day they were playing quoits and Apollo the the ball very far away. When Hyacithus tried to catch it it fell on his forehead and killed him Apollo decided to make a flower in his honor he named it Hyacinthus.

All these Myths relate to Gilgamesh because all of them when someone dies they are remembered and honored. For example when Enkidu dies Gilgamesh remembers him in memory and in works of art etc. In these myth they remember people in flowers or in sculptures but they always remain in each others heart.

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