domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2007

Gilgamesh Final Entry

When I finished reading Gilgamesh and took some days off to analyze it, and I realized that it had very important messages that you can apply to real life. A great example of a message that the book Gilgamesh transmits is brotherhood. For example when Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh felt guilty, beacause he thought he was the one who should have died and not his brother Enkidu. So he went to Utnaphistm and asked him if his destiny was to die with his brother. He always honored him and remembered him as a brave and corageous man. He talked about him as the man who fought wolfes and climbed mountains. When they were fighting Humama they said one of the most "powerful" and amazing quote I have ever heard: "Two people, companions, they can prevail together gainst terror". This is a quote that I will never forget, simply for the reason that it is totally true. It tells you that even though if you are facing great danger, but you have the suport of someone it will be less complicated or tragic. It, in some way relates to the quote that says "Two minds work better than one". Which I totally agree with, because though their minds can work different, they make ideas and contributions that can be very useful when put together.

At the end when they re-encounter they talk and Enkidu describes him how was it in the underworld. But they never mention if they end up together again or not. What is true is that they were ment to be companions for life...

1 comentario:

J. Tangen dijo...

I'm gald you were able to decipher some its lessons. In the future try to use more textual analysis.