lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007

Connecting 3 Myths With Gilgamesh (6)

Myths Read: 1. Hebe and Ganymede 2. Daedalus 3. Castor and Pollux

Hebe and Ganymede: Cup-bearer to the Gods. she didn't want to marry Hercules, but it was her destiny. one day she met Ganymede and fell in love. But they weren't meant to be together.
  • This myth relates to Gilgamesh because it talks about two people who couldn't be together even though they wanted to. they were force to be apart in Gilgamesh's case Enkidu and Gilgamesh were destinies to be apart even though they were soul mates.

Daedalus: Daedalus constructed the minotaur labyrinth for king Minos. but the king didn't want the work to be acknowledged to him. so he locked him up in a tower with his young son Icarus. one days they decided they would escape flying away. They made wings with animal feathers by pasting and waxing them. when they were finally ready to take of flight Daedalus said to Icarus not to fly to close to the sun or t know. but his soon didn't follow his instrucitons and flew very high. the sin melted his wings and he fell and died. he grieved him but kept on with his life. he trained his nephew Perdix but realized he was more intelligent than him. so one day he killed hi. the goddess Minerva then turned him into a bird.

  • This myth is similar to Gilgamesh because both Gilgamesh and Daedalus at the end got what they wanted. They got fame and freedom. also they wanted to be recognized and acknowledged fr their work. but at the end they weren't exactly happy. They needed something else, and that was love.

Castor and Pollux: Talks about two brothers who were inseparable they fought together and did almost everything together. "They were united by the warmest affection and inseparable in all their enterprise". I think his quote almost describes all the story. At he end , in a battle one of them gave its life for the other. They received divine honours and even the their names became the names of stars.

  • Obviously this myth relates to Gilgamesh because of the relationship pf Gilgamesh and Enkidu.. They were inseparable and even Gilgamesh came to wonder of he had to live or die along with his brother.

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