jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

Tao Te-Ching 28-43

When I always finish reading my chapters assigned from the Tao Te Ching I end up overwhelmed of so much knowledge! You end up thinking all you have read about and how wise it is. I came up with some important points for today's reading according to Tao´s teachings:

- Be an example to the world and be a leader, but never forget where you come from and your values.
- Life is hard for some and easy for others, but either way we've got to affront it.
- Achieve your goals, but never be too proud of them . Also don't use force to achieve them because this is not Tao´s way.
- A man of war prefers the easy path while a wise man prefers the correct one even though it will lead him to the most difficult one.
- Tao is everywhere all things depend upon it.

I think all these tings above are correct and every well thought, but in chapter 36, there is certainly one thing i don't agree upon it says: "Soft and weak overcome hard and strong". I think this quote is mistaken, because if this were true nothing would happen to good people, for example no one would get mugged or kidnapped. Also we have to be realistic the big ones always have the power in a sort of way, so physically I don't agree with this quote. But mentally maybe I do!

One thing that also bothers me about this text is that it is very contradictory. they always say that your work should be recognized and taken in account but at the same time is says that you shouldn't be proud of the good things you do. At the beginning of the book they mention that effort is not always taken in account, but as it goes in it mentions that you shouldn't be proud of your accomplishments, which is something that I don't agree with. Because when you do something good you should feel good with yourself and no underestimate yourself.

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