viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2007

Tao Te-Ching 44-66

I think the person who wrote this must have put a great deal of time and thought, because in every sentence there is one thing you learn. And in every chapter there is at least one thing to analyze. Some views of the Tao I saw along the reading were: The Tao stresses a lot in telling us that material things are not what matters he says wealth is not the most important thing. .He says we have to be humble and be content with what we have. He also tells us that when something is too perfect its not right he says spontaneous things are the best. A thing that is very connected with this says that you have to let things be, don't insist on changing the course of things. Something I don't quite get is that he tells that when Tao is not present everything is "unleashed".

Some values expressed in the reading are: be good to all people,be humble at all times, be kind and thankful and lastly love everything around you. Among loving they mention that that who truly loves life will live without fear. Do things without expecting a reward, dint talk to much. One thing that really surprised me was that in chapter 57 he says "Wage war with surprise moves"once more i think this is very contradicting from Tao´s part, considering he always tells us war is not the answer.

Lastly it is said that we should all follow Tao´s teachings because it is the healthier way to live your live. Among the text they say that his teachings are a way of making your life and thoughts better. Also he says non-action is the best in most of cases.

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